We are two games behind. We actually took drunken notes during Banny's start, but we forgot to post them yesterday and now they're out of date. Oh well. Here are some highlights anyway:
The right side of the infield is a freak show!
How good would Callaspo be if he was a good 2B?
Baseball players are usually dumb as shit; but the look in Callaspo's eyes leads us to believe that he would score approximately 7 on th ACT.
Freak show! We're ready to sign Grudz. We really do like Callaspo as a hitter, but he's a horrible 2B.
If fucking Farnsworth (Farnyard) comes into this game, we're going to shit our pants.
Aviles is lost. Our middle infield is a disaster. Sign Grudz! (God forbid we start to think about TPJ.)
Moneyball!! Doh! Butler is slooowow.
Jamie Wright is alright.
The recovery of the global economy and the future of the free world depend upon The Mexicutioner's right shoulder.
Fuckin Olivo. We've had it with that guy.
Strike Three. Put that in your Peace Pipe, Chief Wahoo!
OK. That was Wednesday night. Now it's Friday. That thing yesterday was a debacle.
What's wrong with Mahay?
Shit list: Farnyard, Mahay, Olivo, Aviles, Butler.
Non-shit list: Gil, Zack, Davies, Banny, Teahen, Callaspo (as a hitter), Butler (as a first baseman, believe it or not), Jacobs (as a DH), Coco.
Soria's making things a little more interesting this year.
P.S. The original post had some stuff in it about lesbians, art majors, scotch, Jesus, lubricants, Pi, and Eddie Money. But we cut all that junk because it was either too much information or because it just no longer seemed funny. Kinda like the rest of the stuff we actually did post.
P.P.S. Does the Tony Gonzalez deal mean the Chiefs might draft a TE like, say, Chase Coffman in the third round? Or do they already have another TE? We forget. Regardless, a lot of shit is going to go down with the Chiefs in the next day or so.