Friday, April 10, 2009

Today is Opening Day at The New K!

(Jeremy, Motl and Trish)

We received the following text at 9:10 a.m.: Start the jeremy before third inning beer math.

We left the following comment on his Facebook wall (we're starting to get so social with all of this new media): Wear a Snuggie!

OK. We're willing to entertain the notion that Dayton Moore might not be one of the biggest dildos on the planet (Did you SEE the way Davies was pitching yesterday?). But we're still down on Hillman, and we certainly don't look forward to seeing Meatwagon Fartsworth any time soon during a close game.

OK. OK. We're bailing out of work early again in order to drive to Springfield and watch the game on the TV. Hopefully the Fat Aruban will pitch well. But, just in case all of our starters don't pitch like Cy Young, lets hope the bats break out, because there's nothing better than beating the Yankees on Opening Day at The K.

P.S. How down are you with our man, Coco?

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