Thursday, November 20, 2008

Let's go, Coco!

This is from an old Posnanski interview with Bill James.

POSNANSKI: I know you thought that Coco Crisp had a terrific year defensively last year — you sent a few of us an excited email about your general amazement. You are obviously pretty well known for being logical and searching for answers and so on, but you also are an emotional fan: Did you get a whole new feeling about centerfield defense watching Coco?

BILL JAMES: I wouldn’t say so exactly. It was more like this: that for almost three months, every time there was a ball that you didn’t know whether the center fielder could make a play or not, he did. After about two months of this you started to relax when somebody hit a screaming line drive into the gap, figuring Coco would run it down because he always did. It was more like a long series of successes than a revelation.

P.S. Does the practice of trading human beings for other human beings ever seem a little weird to anybody else? Outside of sports and slavery and possibly prostitution, does this happen anywhere else?

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