Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Put me in coach, I'm ready to make errors

The other evening, probably Saturday, we noticed that the Royals scored 13 runs. We were watching football and all of the college scores and MLB scores were scrolling across the bottom of the screen. We shared the news with our father.

B.D. Hey, the Royals scored 13 runs.

Dad: Did they win?

B.D. Good question.

That is what it's like being a Royals fan on Labor Day weekend.

We have all kinds of thoughts on how things are going for the Royals, and tons of political thoughts, too, but for now we're keepting them to ourselves. One of these days we'll bust out with a manifesto. Of course, we have plenty of reactions to Mizzou's offense (unbelievable) and defense (how do you get burned deep like that?); and, dare we say, we were impressed with KSU Saturday.

1 comment:

Dan Holden said...

I only got to listen to the Mizzou game sporadically on the radio. Was the defense that bad?

Michael Palin is the perfect choice for Veep, but I don't think he is an American citizen.

As far as manifestos go I can never figure out which one I like better, Unabomber or Communist.

The Royals suck but they brought up Kila and Shealy. Hopefully, they can compete with Gload for some playing time at first.