Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Here's The Hogtanic, or as we now like to call it, The Hideo

We love this photo, mainly because the University of Arkansas called its concrete canoe "The Hogtanic" last year. Big Donkeys is headed to Fayetteville for this year's competition. We're taking the laptop with us, but we may or may not have Internet access. We're not sure how it works once you cross into Arkansas and leave the United States behind. Hopefully we'll be able to follow the Royals on the teevee or radio while we're down there. Regardless, we're going to score some good Thai food and check out that fantastic used bookstore they have downtown. We kid about Arkansas, but Fayetteville is nice.

Why in the hell was John Buck trying to steal during that fourth inning rally last night?

Trey Hillman has happy feet.

Those who listen on XM or watch other teams' broadcasts on TV know how unbelievably good Denny and even Ryan really are.

Trey is in love with Nomo, who sucks. And, speaking of Japanese fetishes, was that Yabuta making an appearance last night? (We had quit listening by then.)

This was the first loss that's on Hillman (and the pitching). It won't be the last. It's a tough job.

P.S. Here's Mizzou's canoe, which also sank last year.

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