Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Opening Day at The K

Big Donkeys attended KSU and graduated from Mizzou, so this pains us to say: Congratulations to the Jayhawks for winning that basketball tournament some people have been talking about.

We sort of remember the last time KU won a national championship. We think it was Opening Day in KC and the Jayhawks and Sooners were playing in the title game later that night at Kemper. We were at the baseball game (probably), but we don't remember if the Royals won that day. We were really drunk at the time.

We admit readily that we have no idea what's going to happen today at The K. Go Bannister! May the balls in play find the gloves of our glorious fielders in bleach white and royal blue.

Incidentally, Big Donkeys proudly wears an orange, No. 13 Wichita Wranglers Zack Greinke T-shirt under our work attire.

If you're going to the game today, don't let the traffic, construction, etc., get you down. Just gawk in awe at the new scoreboard, take in deep snorts of air in a gloriously vain attempt to infiltrate your nostrils with particles of intricately manicured grass from the outfield, enjoy your $9 beer and try to ignore all of the stupid Yankees fans.

OK. Here come some non-baseball rants.

Would you be willing to pay 20 percent more for crap you don't really need at Wal-Mart if it meant better jobs in the U.S. and a better economy in general?

We need to get our global shit together. This energy crisis needs a "Go to the moon" call for action from the top. Immediately. George W. Bush, no matter what else he is or isn't, might be pathologically and criminally negligent. But at least Dick Cheney and 11 of his friends are getting really rich. And, hey, at least we fixed that New Orleans thing.

Godless power freaks like Putin and whoever runs China probably get down on their hands and knees every night and thank Jesus for giving them a stupid American president that was capable of squandering most of the U.S. leverage amassed in the last century.

And we don't think any of the other ass-kissing bandits running for president have the guts (Obama) or the intelligence (McCain) to solve the really big problems either. (We all know Hillary is just in it to win it for herself. Period. More than any other selfish rat-like humanoid to ever possess limitless ambition.)

By the way, you don't need to worry about global warming anymore. We don't have enough fossil fuels left to do much more damage to the environment.


P.S. Joe Borowski blows!


Anonymous said...

Puhhhleeeeese. An old codger oil guy says that there's no global warming, and that's OK? Donkeyguy - get a grip? You go on a rant about Bush/Cheney/oil mongrels, but the oil guy global warming hullabaloo is OK? Were you wearing a Cardinals cap when you were writing that silliness?

WSPA said...

The oil guy was saying that the reason we're not going to pollute the environment much longer is because we aren't going to have any means to do it. I'm sure he would be in favor of polluting it A LOT more, if possible.